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Buying a new bong can be a lot of fun, with so many different options smokers can customize their experience almost any way they like. A good starting point is what type of material should your bong be, silicone or glass?
Why You Should Use a Glass Bong
Better Taste
Glass bongs are a nonporous material, unlike silicone bongs, which means you will taste 100% of your cannabis every time with a glass bong. Silicone bongs dampen the herb's taste, and cheaper silicone bongs are know to emit a plastic flavor. What's the point of trying different strands of weed if everything tastes like a melted ziplock bag?
Colder Hits
Glass bongs keep water colder for longer. Water is a natural cooling agent for smoke and the colder the water the smoother and more pleasant your hit will be.
Easier To Clean
Glass bongs, no matter how frequently they've been used, can get back to looking brand new with relative ease. Resin and other gunk clings to silicone and all silicone bongs at one point will become irreversibly tarnished. Usually only after a few months of ownership.
Better Percs and Attachments, Smoother Experience
Silicone bongs are limited in the style and number of percolators used. Most feature a basic downstream percolator and little else. Glass bongs, which are frequently bigger than silicone bongs, offer better percolators in a myriad of different styles. This comprehensive percolator offering glass bongs have is instrumental in creating a smoother, nicer and healthier hit with less coughing.
Popular attachments for bongs such as glycerin coils, ash catchers, E-nails and quartz bangers are all made from glass and made to fit glass bongs. Purchasing a silicone bong leaves consumers confined to just the bong they bought and zero upgrades to enhance or alter the smoking experience.
The Case For Silicone Bongs
Silicone bongs are damn near impossible to break. They feature the same components of a glass bong (bowl, joint, water tank, mouthpiece) and pose little risk of the bong or its components ever breaking. Glass bongs aren't made of cheap glass however and can take the wear and tear. Glass bongs are made from borosilicate glass, which was originally created to be used for experiments in laboratories. No matter how high end a glass bong will be however, if you want a throw it in the backpack and forget it bong, silicone is the way to go. It is worth noting that many high quality glass bongs (like Freeze Pipe's) all come with beautiful, sturdy packaging that's ideal for travel.
Cheaper, But At What Cost?
Consumers can spend as little or as much as they want on glass or silicone bongs. Some have even resorted to searching Amazon for cheap pieces. And pound for pound you'll be able to get silicone bongs cheaper than glass bongs. And for some, this may be a fine option. The better alternative for your health and cannabis smoking experience would be to invest a decently priced bong, whether it be made from glass or silicone. Cheap silicone bongs do pose greater risks as unscrupulous silicone bong brands don't use the heat resistant material that silicone bongs HAVE to be made from without risking dire consequences.
Similar to the durability point, silicone bongs typically break down into various parts to make traveling a breeze. While most glass bongs are one wholistic unit, because Freeze Pipe's bongs use glycerin chambers, our glass bongs break down as well. The included gift box packaging has customized compartments for each piece for a snug and secure fit. We're proud enough to admit from a sheer portability and durability perspective it's tough to beat silicone bongs. but a glass bong like Freeze Pipe's which can break down and does have travel-ready packaging make a compelling case.
The Big Difference Between Silicone and Glass Bongs
The taste, smoothness and health benefits will always be greater with glass bongs than a silicone bong. Glass is the ideal material to smoke from and scientifically it's hard to imagine another element usurping glass as THE go-to for smoking cannabis. Silicone bongs have their place in the market, but it's a niche industry. For the big time travelers with little space and patience silicone makes a strong argument. We just don't recommend making a silicone bong your everyday piece.