5 Tips for Smoking Discreetly 💨 (Without Getting Caught!)

Discreet smoking is essential skill for any cannabis user who does not live alone as it enables them to enjoy their favorite pastime without drawing unwanted attention. But how can you take some rips without getting caught or leaving any trace of your activity? With the right tools and techniques, it’s possible to keep your sesh under wraps while still enjoying the benefits of a nice hit. In this post, we’ll explore 5 tips for smoking discreetly, various methods, locations, and practices to help you smoke discreetly and avoid getting bothered during your sesh!
Today's Agenda:
"Choosing the Right Method"
"Disguising the Smell"
"Picking the Best Sesh Spot"
"Minimizing Evidence"
"The Stoner Travel Kit"
1. Choosing The Right Smoking Method (No joints!)
While joints may be a popular choice for many tokers, they aren’t the most discreet option for smoking. The strong odor and easily identifiable appearance of a joint can quickly give away your smoking session. Also, if you are trying to smoke indoors, the smell of a joint will get you busted immediately because of the amount of runoff smoke.
What other options might you consider for a less conspicuous smoke? Pipes, one-hitters, and bongs are all excellent options for minimizing the smell and visibility of smoke, ensuring that you can enjoy your sesh without drawing unwanted attention.

2. Disguising The Smoke Smell
Despite your choice of a stealthy smoking method, tackling the smoke smell remains a key concern. No one wants their clothes, room, or belongings smelling like cannabis after they’ve finished smoking.
Fortunately, there are several ways to disguise the smoke smell, such as using air purifiers, creating a DIY sploof, or placing a towel under the door. Also, make sure to fully inhale your rips so there is not lingering smoke inside your piece! Each of these methods can help minimize the odor and make it less likely for others to detect your smoke session.
3. Choosing The Right Location
Choosing a suitable location for stealthy smoking is key to preserving your privacy and reducing the your chances of getting caught. The right location will depend on several factors, including privacy, odor control, avoiding leaving any traces or evidence, and being mindful of others.
Our top three suggested locations for unobtrusive smoking include: outdoor spaces, rooms with good ventilation, and bathrooms. When you are outdoors, the smoke blows away with ease and its nearly impossible to pin point where any smell is coming from. Also, good ventilation is key for filtering out any lingering smoke. If you are really in a tight situation, such as a hotel with no balcony, smoking in the bathroom with the shower on to disguise the smoke will be the best option. This is a situation in which a DIY sploof would come in extra handy!

4. Minimizing Evidence
The last thing you’d want after a stealthy smoke session is to leave behind physical traces that could expose you. To minimize the visible signs of smoking, there are a few simple yet effective tips that can help you maintain your discretion. Next, we’ll discuss the significance of using body spray, cleaning your smoking piece, and applying eye drops.
While it's pretty self explanatory, body spray can be a lifesaver when it comes to masking the smell of smoke on your clothes and body in a jiffy! Rinsing your piece with water after use is essential for maintaining its discretion and preventing you from smelling. If you clean the piece righ after you rip, you can prevent any resin buildup and avoid carrying around a smelly bong. Last but not least, eye drops. Eye drops allow you to disguise those red eyes and truly disguise the fact that you just took a fat rip!
5. Key Items For Your Stoner Travel Kit
When trying to have a discreet sesh, having a travel kit to setup and pack up quick is absolutely essential. What you will need: small padded bag, your glass of choice (pipe,bong, bubbler), a water bottle, pre-ground herb, body spray, eyedrops, and a lighter. Once you make it out to your sesh spot, you can deploy your kit and get started.
Begin by taking out your piece and using about a third of your water to fill it.
After a quick check to make sure the coast is clear, pack your bowl with your pre-grounded herb making sure it is small enough for you to clear the whole hit at once.
Take a quick sip of water to clear the throat and take your hit, or hits. After you are finished, pour out the water and rinse your piece with the additional water left in your bottle.
Put on your body spray, giving your stoner bag one extra spray to be safe, and then apply the eyedrops.
Quickly pack everything back up, and you have successfully completed your sesh without alerting anybody!

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