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Over the years our family of glass bongs has changed. We've added, removed and altered in an effort to improve our lineup that best meets the needs of our customers. When Freeze Pipe looks to build a piece the first thing we focus on is function. Then style, gaps in the market and price.
In other blog posts we've spoken at nauseam about why we do what we do. We're a scientific glass company that was sick of people paying too much for bongs. Yes, we're not the cheapest and elite quality is at the forefront of who we are, but we deliver the most value of out any glass company out there. Especially when it comes to bongs.
The more things change the more they stay the same. This year our bong family saw a massive overhaul. But one thing is for certain, you can, and always will be able to count of Freeze Pipe for high quality glass, cold hits and a warm customer service experience. So without further ado, let's get into it.
Changes To Our Bong family
The former Bong XL became our entry level bong (still same price) and while the former entry level option (beaker bong) is still for sale, it's not nearly as prominent as it once was.
We got rid of the old Dual and infused new tech into our new Bong XL and Bong Dual. Both the XL and Dual have an upgraded showerhead perc in the base and what separates the units is the Dual comes with a middle UFO perc. Both units use the largest glycerin coil we make.
Beaker and Entry Level Bong
The beaker sells for $140 and the bong $170. The extra $30 is beyond worth it. While the glycerin coils are the same size, the difference in water filtration and function is extreme. The beaker uses a standard downstem perc which has 2 slits at the bottom for smoke to travel out of. There's a reason beaker bongs are popular, they're easy to use. But I think too much of beaker bong popularity is derived from abundance juxtaposed to preference or knowledge. Because let's face it, beaker bongs are everywhere.
The regular bong features a larger base and 2 percolators, specifically an Inline and Sprinkler perc. The Inline starts the diffusion by shooting smoke from the downstem through numerous slits before smoke is pushed through a multitude of sprinkler percs. This 2-part system amplifies water filtration to naturally cool and cleanse smoke, leaving only the good stuff behind to be consumed.
Most people judge bongs on 3 things; smoothness, airflow and cooling power. And in all 3 departments the regular bong vastly outshines the beaker.
Bong XL and Bong Dual
The difference between the two is whether or not you want the added UFO percolator. While we do sell these percs individually, it's more cost efficient to purchase the Bong Dual then getting the Bong XL and adding the UFO perc later.
UFO percs as an attachment can easily sell for over $100. At Freeze Pipe, the Bong XL sells for $210 and the Dual $250. For an extra $40 you're getting a difference making attachment at an exceptional value. What are UFO percolators? These super easy-to-clean percs go between the bong's base and the glycerin coil. They further cool and cleanse smoke and truly do make a difference when it comes to smoothness. Freeze Pipe aims to offer the healthiest smoking experience and using this attachment aligns with this goal. Plus, if you get the Bong Dual and don't want to use the UFO perc you can simply connect the glycerin coil to the base and you're left with our Bong XL. Which is awesome freaking piece btw.
UFO Perc

Bong Statistics
Inline + Sprinkler perc
16" tall
90 degree joint
18mm bowl
Bong XL
Showerhead percolator
50% larger glycerin coil than standard Bong
90 degree joint
18mm bowl
Bong Dual
Showerhead perc
50% more glycerin than the standard bong
Added UFO perc
90 degree joint
18mm bowl