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Mini dab rig


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A carb cab limits the amount of airflow that enters your dab rig, similar to a carburetor on a car. A carb cap is one of many parts of a dab rig and is used to get the best possible hit from your dab which makes every hit more efficient. To use a carb cap you first heat the dab and place it in the banger, then you place the carb cap on top of the banger and inhale. If you need more fresh air you simply lift the carb cap off the dab rig and this will let more air enter the banger. If you want no air flow at all, cover the small hole on the top of the carb cap and it will block the air flow. A carb cap is not a crucial part of a dab rig, you can still use a dab rig without a carb cap, but when you don't use a carb cap it gives less smoke and less concentration compared to a dab rig with the carb cap.

Carb Caps Complete Your Dab Rig

Another crucial purpose the carb cap does to max your dab rig even better is it controls the temperature. Like boiling water with the lid of the pot on top it boils quicker because the heat is trapped in the pot. When it comes to heating a dab you need to find the right temperature, if the temperature is too hot it burns and ruins your dab and if it is too cold it does not evaporate and leaves you with a gooey mess at the button of your banger. The Ideal temperature varies but anywhere from 400-600 Fahrenheit is ideal and with a carb cap it helps keep it at the temperature you want.

Today there are many different types of carb caps varying and all shapes and sizes. Some are in the shape of a bubble, some are flat, and some are long and narrow, but all have an opening at the top to allow some but not too much air. Pricing varies anywhere from 10-100 dollars. There are many unique designs that can make the pricing more expensive, but all have the same principle.

Types of Carb Caps

The bubble carb cap is one of the most common types of carb cabs available because it has a simple design with great results. It got its name because of its bubble shape design. The bubble carb cap works best with flap top bangers. Flat channel carb caps are simple flat pieces that are the size of a quarter. Directional carb caps are similar in the same size and shape as the bubble, butt the opening you can move in order to let more or less air to enter the dab rig. Another piece is the carb cap dabber tool which is a stick with a whole on top to let air enter, but also acts as a dabber tool which is used to move your wax into the banger.

Rinse Quartz Banger

Rinse the quartz banger thoroughly with warm water and let dry. Cleaning a quartz banger isn't hard and takes a few minutes at the most. 

Swab with Q-tip

Any leftover reside is weakened and prime for swabbing. With a dry Q-tip swab away any unpleasantness.

Then, repeat with another warm water rinse and let the quartz banger dry. You can use a paper towel or rag at this point. 

And that's it! You should be good to go. If not, repeat process as needed.


Mike Pyle